Steven Frost

Frost Portrait by Matt Pevear 1.jpg

Frost is a fiber and interdisciplinary artist based in Boulder, Colorado. They are Instructor in the Department of Media Studies at CU Boulder and currently serve as the Faculty Director for the B2 Center for Media Arts and Performance at the Roser Atlas Institute. They are known for using materials typically designated to the realm of “crafts” and featuring them in higher brow contemporary art contexts or activist spaces. Community engagement is the primary objective of their practice. As a PlatteForum resident they tailored aspects of their practice to meet the needs of PlatteForum's ArtLab interns. Participants used employed weaving, sewing, embroidery, and appliqué techniques to design flags that represent their vision of PlatteForum's past, present, and future. Using backstrap looms, the interns also made their own woven compositions which when displayed together become a large-scale installation and metaphor for the value of community, skill-sharing, and civic design. During the course of the exhibition, Frost will collaborate with guests to create a woven composition that will become part of the exhibition's archive.

Residency Period: June 7 - July 29, 2021

VEXILLOLOGIES | ** UPDATE: exhibition opening October 21**

Steven Frost, Colorado | fiber arts and performance

Residency Period: June 7 - July 29

ArtMoves: a PlatteForum Podcast, Episode 4 Steven Frost


Alejandra Abad


Narkita Gold