ArtLab Summer 2014
Summer 2014 OverviewIn the summer of 2014, ArtLab interns will be working on three large projects: a literacy project in partnership with Colfax Community Network, spoken word performances with Creative Resident Andrea Moore, and a public mural with Lead Artist Carlos Fresquez.ArtLab + CCNHero Lab PremiereFriday July 18, 1-3 pmfreeThis summer ArtLab interns are partnering with 25 youth (ages 6 - 11) from Colfax Community Network (CCN) for the summer literacy program. This project will be led and directed by the ArtLab interns who spent their spring session learning the process of storytelling through comic books in a project facilitated by Pop Culture Classroom. ArtLab Interns will engage and mentor students from CCN in a series of eight stimulating day-long workshops highlighting the power of literacy and storytelling as they create a choose-your-own-adventure graphic novel. ArtLab interns will teach their younger peers character development, story arc, layout and vocabulary. In addition to story development skills, ArtLab will assist the CCN students with drawing, photography and digital design to complement their story. We will host an exhibition/celebration of the summer project which will culminate include the production of a collaborative storybook created by the youth. Join us for the premiere of their graphic novel on Friday, July 18 at PlatteForum.Special Thanks to Appetites Catering, Proto's Pizza, and Museum of Contemporary Art Denver for their support!
Creative Resident Andrea MooreThe dynamic Andrea Moore is in residence this summer creating a one-woman performance and guiding ArtLab interns in the fine art of writing and performing slam poetry. Her starting point for the creative process: fear and it's side-kick for the summer: gratitude. Hold the evenings of July 31, August 1 & 2 for performances at PlatteForum. learn morePublic Mural with Carlos FresquezArtLab interns will build on their experience from the summer of 2013, when they participated in painting their first large scale mural in Denver produced by PlatteForum youth. Lead Artist Carlos Fresquez and college students from his Community Mural course at Metro State College of Denver will guide ArtLab through the creative process of conceptualizing planning, and painting a piece that aims to contribute to the growing body of public art in the Globeville neighborhood. This will be accomplished through community meetings directed to incorporating multiple perspectives from Globeville residents into the work, and expand the cultural and historical knowledge that ArtLab interns developed last year in community meetings and streetside interviews. At the end of July this year’s mural project will be installed on the north side pillar of the underpass under I-70, adjacent to last year’s work on the same overpass. We expect another exciting mural and great community interaction and will hold a public mural ribbon cutting celebration to celebrate the new public art piece at the end of the summer.The mural project is supported by Denver’s Urban Arts Fund, and City Councilwoman Judy Montero’s office.Day to Day ArtLab ExperienceIn addition to these focal projects, ArtLab interns will participate in day-to-day activities which include weekly yoga courses led by a professional instructor, sharing stories about their personal heroes, watching hand-picked inspirational films, and preparing for post-secondary education through ongoing College Access Mentor Program (CAMP) activities.