Kate Petley + America SCORES - Valdez Elementary


Sky TentMarch 3 - March 28, 2008Kate Petley worked intensely with America SCORES - Valdez Elementary 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls to create the installation Sky Tent. This piece builds upon the familiar structure of a kid’s fort to interpret their ideas about the sky. Using transparency, the students experimented with form, painting, and poetry in this collaborative piece. Ten art education seniors from Metro State College of Denver assisted in the workshops.“I have never seen the girls this attentive. They never got off task, looked forward to going, and talked continually about what they did in the workshop in the van-ride home.” Pate Vera, America SCORESSky Poem, by GetssemanyInvisible I saw the sky in my heartit seemed it never was invented buttill I opened my eyes and saw thebeauty I had never seen, the clear skywas so many colors in my eyes thatI got lost.

America SCORESPat Vera, teacher & coordinator; Susan Scarlata, Deputy Director; Sarah Fallik, assistantValdez ElementaryCarlen, Angelica, Jessica, Iris, Yessenia, Ana, Vanessa, Maria, Annet, Esmeralda, Yazmin, Getssemany, Sheyla,, KimberlyMetro State UniversityRachael Delaney, professor, Jacqueline Montoya, April Mullinix, Diane Porché, Tammy Urich, Pilar Heslin, Kathleen Booton, Brooke Baker, Emmy Wood, Kristen White, Jessie MorvayPlatteForum Intern: Terese CocoVolunteers : Mark Purvis, Henry Hernandez, Margaret Costello, Mindy Bray, Brandi Wilkinson, Meredith Smith, Gretchen Calhoun, Susan Vaho, Jamie Vazquez, Rebecah Ziegler, Kate Kaplan, Steve Chucovich, Wendi HarfordOpening Reception supported by:8Rivers Restaurant; Karen Eilene Saenz/Your Beverage Meister; Oogies Snacks; Izze Beverage


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