Andrea Moore


EVIDENCE OF A DISTANCE TRAVELEDStories of Belonging and the Search for Belonging

Andrea Moore and ArtLab InternsPerformances Thursday, July 31, Friday and Saturday, August 1 & 2doors open at 6:30, performances begin at 7pm

Andrea Moore is a writer, photographer and performance artist who investigates belonging as it relates to our identity and experiences. How does physical, mental, emotional and social differences impact our experience of belonging? Andrea’s performances explores that question and creates connections within social and cultural differences. Andrea has shared her art nationally and internationally. She was a presenter at TEDxMileHigh Women, that you can view at
During Andrea’s residency, she is creating a one-woman performance and installation piece, while working with PlatteForum’s ArtLab interns to develop and perform personal slam poetry.For more information about Andrea, visit her website.
About the work at PlatteForum
"Evidence of a Distance Traveled" is a one-woman performance. Poet and performer Andrea Moore uses her travels across the country and around the world as fodder for stories and observations about belonging, connection, love, art, and science. Moore marries the art of performance poetry with the style of an academic lecture, and the result is a dynamic, compelling exploration of topics as diverse as gender roles, sexuality, disability, and physics. At once humorous, critical, and poignant, “Evidence of a Distance Traveled” articulates our yearning to authentically belong… in the world at large, in our communities, and in our own skin.

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