Each of Us is Several - A Collaboration Between Suchitra Mattai & Joshua Ware
"Since each of us was several, there was already quite a crowd."- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
For “Each of Us is Several,” Suchitra Mattai and Joshua Ware will collaborate in exposing the “interior lives” of everyday objects. Wood and concrete meet fiber, video and paint in experimental mixed-media installations and fantastical objects that evoke the domestic realm and disclose its complex inner workings. Carving out a new space where the functional and the fictional coexist, the work seeks to blur the lines between art and design and in so doing, reveal elements of the uncanny.Pulling inspiration from philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, the artists aim to engage our otherwise solitary community through collaboration. By creating a conversation between the art itself, Suchitra and Joshua will explore how art fosters and uses connections (both literally and figuratively) in order to transmit new forces, speeds, magnitudes and intensities to those around. Producing what Joshua calls, "betweeness," viewers and artists alike will have room to develop a relationship with ourselves and each other.Thursday, October 10 | 7-10 pm at PlatteForumTickets: $30Enjoy wine, beer and cocktails with light appetizers provided by Heirloom Catering.BUY TICKETS HERE!!!This ticketed event is made possible through the support of Gill Capital Partners, Vine Street Pub and Brewery, The Colorado Trust Foundation, Jeremy Anderson, Kim & Lance McCarty, Daniel Flora & Devin Dardanes and Tracy Weil.
Joshua Ware is an artist and writer who was born in Cleveland, OH. His visual work, which has shown nationally and internationally, explores textured minimalism through mixed media forms. He is also the author of several books, most recently Unwanted Invention / Vargtimmen. His art reviews can found at Entropy Magazine online. Ware lives in Denver, CO and works as a laborer.Suchitra Mattai received an MFA in painting and drawing and an MA in South Asian art, both from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Her work has been exhibited in Sharjah, UAE, Philadelphia, New York City, Washington, DC, Minneapolis, Denver, Austin, London, and Wales and has appeared in various publications such as Document Journal, Cultured Magazine, Harpar’s Bazaar Arabia, Entropy Magazine, The Daily Serving, and New American Paintings. Recent and upcoming projects include a commissioned project for the Sharjah Biennial 14, an exhibition at the Denver Art Museum, a commissioned project with the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, solo exhibitions at the Center for Visual Arts, Metropolitan State University of Denver (Denver, CO), K Contemporary Art (Denver, CO) and GrayDuck Gallery (Austin, TX) as well as group exhibitions with Pen and Brush, (New York, NY), the Center on Contemporary Art Seattle (Seattle, WA), and a traveling exhibition with the Museum of the Americas, (Washington, DC). Suchitra recently completed a residency at RedLine Contemporary Art.