Summer 2006

From the initial 12 ArtLab interns from the spring sessions, 6 were chosen to work at an hourly rate during the 2006 summer. Their jobs included collaborating in a series of workshops exploring stop-frame techniques in filmmaking with Creative Resident Sandro Del Rosario. Exploring the concept of “city”, interns considered their personal relationships with the environments they live in to create portraits of cultural identity, memories and place. They then created short films utilizing, video, photographs and manipulated film stills. Through this process they created storyboards, shot their own footage and scored the films with original audio compositions. Each unique film has a running time between 30 seconds to 1 minute in length.ArtLab interns also had the very important role as mentors to younger kids ages 5-14 through our summer animation series. They worked with 70+ kids in creating paper and clay animations in small groups. The kids were taught how to create storyboards, backgrounds and characters then photographed the scenes using stop-frame techniques. The resulting 24 films were premiered at the Summer Film Festival on July 21, 2006.Additionally, ArtLab interns were responsible for generating thank you letters to sponsors, facility maintenance, inventory control and working during events. In all, each intern averaged 100 hours this summer, not including the extra time they took at home to work on their own animated films!


ArtLab 2007


Spring Semester 2006